Have you seen the divine colours of Lake Constance? - Robert Walser.
Ha visto i colori divini del Lago di Costanza?
Have you seen the divine colours of Lake Constance?
- Robert Walser -
Have you seen the divine colours of Lake Constance?
- Robert Walser -
from an idea by Franco Pavanello
curated by Caterina Benvegnù in collaboration with Enoch Battagin
curated by Caterina Benvegnù in collaboration with Enoch Battagin
with: Mario Airò, John Armleder, Massimo Bartolini, Emanuele Becheri, Alex Bellan, Monica Bonvicini, Ana Maria Bresciani, Martin Creed, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Stefania Galegati, Luigi Ghirri, Chris Gilmour, Peter Liechti, Bruno Lorini, Thorsten Kirchhoff, Kensuke Koike, Dimitris Kozaris, Eva Marisaldi, Liliana Moro, Diego Perrone, Pietro Roccasalva, Antonio Rovaldi, J.F. Schnyder, Roman Signer, Alessandra Tesi, Guido Van Der Werve, Cesare Viel, Luca Vitone, Vedovamazzei, Jordan Wolfson
Opening: 26 September 2014, 6:00pm
26 September 2014 – 24 October 2014
Mon-Fri > 10am-6pm
Mon-Fri > 10am-6pm
free entrance
Spazio Thetis, Arsenale Novissimo
Spazio Thetis, Arsenale Novissimo
<media 488 - - "SONSTIGES, walser cartolina fronte small, walser_cartolina_fronte_small.jpg, 468 KB">Flyer</media>
<media 489 - - "SONSTIGES, RW pressrelease, RW_pressrelease.pdf, 113 KB">Press release</media>
<media 489 - - "SONSTIGES, RW pressrelease, RW_pressrelease.pdf, 113 KB">Press release</media>