+++ News
Fairy Tales in Gent +++ Stellenausschreibung: Geschäftsführerin / Geschäftsführer Robert Walser-Zentrum Bern +++ Weltpremiere! The Assistant. Człowiek do wszystkiego von Wilhelm Sasnal +++ Microwalser. »Spazieren«, gab ich…
About Robert Walser
Robert Walser (1878–1956) is considered one of the most mysterious writers of his time. Born in Biel, Switzerland, he left school at the age of fourteen to serve an apprenticeship at a local bank. Walser’s early poems were first published in 1898.
Robert Walser-Newsletter
Hier findet man spannende Informationen zu Robert Walser und exklusive Einblicke in das Robert Walser-Zentrum sowie Hinweise zu kommenden Robert Walser-Veranstaltungen. Der Newsletter erscheint in ungleichen Abständen mindestens fünf Mal pro Jahr.
Literature search
The Robert Walser Archive’s database lists primary as well as secondary literature about Robert Walser; it serves as both the Robert Walser’s bibliography and the Center’s main library catalogue. All resources can be consulted and studied in the reading room of the Robert Walser Centre.
The Centre
The Robert Walser Centre is a competence centre for Robert Walser and Carl Seelig. To safeguard, inventory, research and communicate its holdings, it maintains the Robert Walser Archive as well as a research library and a temporary exhibition.
For us Robert Walser is a wonderful source of inspiration. We are grateful for the activities of the Robert Walser Center, which is dedicated to the preservation of Walser’s legacy and the dissemination of his work from ever new perspectives.
New Exhibition
Carl Seelig's Walks with Robert Walser: This new exhibition of the Robert Walser Centre, which opens on 3 September, revolves around Carl Seelig and Robert Walser.
»Götterliebling, Augenpoet, Erfolgsmensch«. Karl Walser im Robert Walser-Zentrum
Karl Walser war zu Lebzeiten höchst erfolgreich: Ob als Illustrator führender Buchverlage, als Bühnenbildner für Max Reinhardt in Berlin, als Gestalter von Wandbildern im City-Bad in Zürich oder im Berner Rathaus und im Stadttheater – er brachte es in allen Disziplinen zur Meisterschaft.
The Robert Walser Centre pursues book projects and editions in cooperation with various publishers and partners at home and abroad. Some of these projects are freely accessible online.
The Archive
The Robert Walser Archive has been collecting, indexing and publishing the author's work for more than 40 years. It has a unique collection of manuscripts, biographical materials and academic literature.
Berner Ausgabe
The Bern edition, published by Suhrkamp-Verlag, is designed as a reading and study edition. It makes Walser's work accessible in a text-philologically impeccable form, and includes epilogues and commentaries based on the latest research.
The Society
The Robert Walser Society has set itself the goal of promoting research into and dissemination of Robert Walser's work. It does this out of the conviction that Robert Walser is one of the most interesting German-language authors of the modern age.
Kritische Ausgabe
The Robert Walser Centre and its Berner Ausgabe work closely together with the Kritische Robert Walser-Ausgabe compiled at the Universities of Basel and Zurich.
The grave of Karl and Trude Walser
Together with the Schosshalden Cemetery, the Robert Walser Center cares for the grave of the artist Karl Walser, who died in 1943, and his wife Hedwig, who died in 1987.
Audio Guide to the Robert Walser Center
A short audio guide to the Robert Walser Center with the most important information about our house, our activities and Robert Walser (only in German).
»Tiefer Winter«
Vier Videos auf der Basis von Gedichten Robert Walsers; vertont von Balz Trümpy, in Bilder gesetzt von Matthias Günter, gespielt von Nana Hiwatari und Yuki Kasai, gesprochen von Stefan Kurt. Eine Ko-Produktion von Nana Hiwatari, Matthias Günter und dem Robert Walser-Zentrum.
Robert Walser-Preis
Since 2018, the Robert Walser Centre has been a partner of the Robert Walser Prize, the only bilingual literary prize in Switzerland. Every two years, prose debuts in German and French are awarded by the Foundation Robert Walser Biel/Bienne. The next award ceremony will take place in autumn 2024.