Invitation to Robert Walser's 145th Birthday!
Pubs were sacred to Robert Walser - places to meet, places to fortify oneself, to observe or to get involved. That is why, on his birthday, 15 April, we are meeting with like-minded people in a café, pub or restaurant of our choice to toast him. The yellow sticker on the bar where we meet shows that it supports the initiative.
When we get together on April 15 - and in future every year - many different things happen: we drink a glass, inquisitive people join us, conversations ensue, perhaps there are readings or discussions. The point is simply to celebrate Robert Walser, to continue thinking about him and to find a suitable form for this.
So start a group in your favourite pub or join an existing group to be part of it on 15 April! The initiative is running in over a dozen locations worldwide.
The stickers designed by Yves Netzhammer in the desired language (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish or Japanese) in the format 130 x 86 mm are available here:
Robert Walser Centre
Marktgasse 45
CH-3011 Berne
Tel. +41 31 310 17 70
Here you can find the electronic flyer (in German).
Here you can find the participating restaurants.
Eine Initiative des Robert Walser-Zentrums, getragen von der Robert Walser-Gesellschaft, mitfinanziert von der Berner Kantonalbank.