Tilo Steireif: »Der Räuber« nach dem Roman von Robert Walser. 112 Aquarellzeichnungen mit einem Nachwort von Reto Sorg. Edition Haus am Germ: Biel 2015, ISBN 978-3-9524192-0-5
Further publications
»The Robber«
Tilo Steireif created 112 watercolor drawings of Robert Walser's Robber novel. They are as subtle as well as spectacular.
The drawings by Tilo Steireif were on public view for the first time in 2015 at the Robert Walser Center. In his watercolor drawings, Steireif gives blunt expression to the tendency of crossing and dissolving boundaries that is palpable in Robert Walser's novel, which is considered as a milestone of literary modernism. He exaggerates the realistic plot, to which Walser adheres for all its boldness, into the fantastic, without ever losing sight of the original.
Tilo Steireif: »Der Räuber« nach dem Roman von Robert Walser. 112 Aquarellzeichnungen. Mit einem Nachwort von Reto Sorg. Biel/Bienne: Edition Haus am Gern 2015, 248 S., ISBN 978-3-9524192-0-5
Book order: Haus am Gern