We would like to thank the City and Canton of Bern (Lottery Fund), the Burgergemeinde Bern, the Berner Kantonalbank, the Swiss Federal Office of Culture, the Swiss National Library, the Swiss Literary Archive and the City of Biel, for their generous support that enables us to maintain the Robert Walser Center.
The following institutions have supported the Robert Walser Center with substantial contributions:
- Artephila-Stiftung
- Baugarten Stiftung
- Bundesamt für Kultur BAK
- Christoph Geiser Stiftung
- Florindon Stiftung
- Fondation Claude et Giuliana
- Fondation Johanna Dürmüller-Bol
- Fotostiftung Schweiz
- Gesellschaft zu Ober-Gerwern
- Guido Feger Stiftung
- Heinz und Hannelise Weder Stiftung
- IFAM International Music and Art Foundation
- Itten+Brechbühl AG
- Jubiläumsfonds der Credit Suisse Foundation
- Julius Bär Stiftung
- Landis & Gyr-Stiftung
- Nationale Suisse
- Otto Gamma-Stiftung
- Präsenz Schweiz
- Pro Helvetia
- Pro Scientia et Arte
- Ringier AG
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
- Schwyzer-Stiftung
- Susann Häusler Stiftung
- Sturm und Bräm Webdesign und Entwicklung
- UBS Kulturstiftung
- Ursula Wirz-Stiftung
- USM. U. Schärer Söhne AG
- Volkart Stiftung
- Walter Frey AG
- Wiederkehr Hugelshofer Widmer, Rechtsanwälte
- Zürich, Finanzdirektion des Kantons
- Zürich, Präsidialabteilung der Stadt
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the following individuals, foundations and institutions that have supported the development of the Robert Walser Center:
- to the Artephila-Stiftung and the Jubiläumsfonds of the Credit Suisse Foundation, for interim financing provided between 2007 and 2009.
- to Daniel Schädelin and the Gesellschaft zu Ober-Gerwern, for favorable rental terms and support during the reconstruction phase.
- to Janine Rohrbach, Daniel Meyer and Stefan Kuhn of Itten+Brechbühl AG, for the interior design of the new facilities.
- to Walter Schneider of USM Möbelbausysteme, for the support during our office planning.
- to Rudolf Brunner and Bruno Rohner and to the DC Bank, for favorable terms.
- to Samuel Spreng, Beat Glutz von Blotzheim and Christoph Zulauf of the Securitas Gruppe, for support in safety-related issues.
- to Hans Ulrich Spiess, for his carpentry work in the library.
- to Toni Gerber (1932–2010), gallery owner and art collector, for his donation of glass exhibition displays.
- to Helen Stark-Towlson, Bern, as well as Hans Peter Hauck and Arthur Mohr of Innovage (Netzwerk Bern-Solothurn), for support during the development of the volunteers program.
- to the Schneider AG, Bern, for support of the printing of exhibition catalogues.
- to Hans Jürg Haller von Haller and partner architects, for careful planning and management of construction.
- to Martin Maurer and his Team at the Cantina del Mulino AG, for the grand opening buffet in the Berner Stadtsaal on 18 September 2009.